BOT - Skřetí a trolí svět

Ork from America !
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Autor:  grotof sanklan [ čtv 29. pro 2011 2:42:47 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Ork from America !


Autor:  grotof sanklan [ čtv 29. pro 2011 2:43:23 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

seems forum dont like first post

sorry for the use of english , im french from quebec, to make sure that Google can translate it clearly in your native language. I am a ork of Canada. Bicolline only player to my ork is only 3 years.
[pictures on my facebook profile here:]

There is a small clan of orc has Bicolline masi they are only make-up, I should say half made ​​up, and they are really younger than me and this has created conflicts. So I leave to join another group really friendly.

I dream of one day went to see you in europe but the finances do not follow all the dreams and unfortunately I must wait.

I do not come regularly to your forum because I am the translator of words abobinables [probably truncated words] and ca deviend quickly unreadable.

Autor:  VeverAK [ čtv 29. pro 2011 11:36:54 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

grotof sanklan píše:
seems forum dont like first post

sorry for the use of english , im french from quebec, to make sure that Google can translate it clearly in your native language. I am a ork of Canada. Bicolline only player to my ork is only 3 years.
[pictures on my facebook profile here:]

There is a small clan of orc has Bicolline masi they are only make-up, I should say half made ​​up, and they are really younger than me and this has created conflicts. So I leave to join another group really friendly.

I dream of one day went to see you in europe but the finances do not follow all the dreams and unfortunately I must wait.

I do not come regularly to your forum because I am the translator of words abobinables [probably truncated words] and ca deviend quickly unreadable.

Hi, welcome to the biggest orc camp in Czech republic ::D . Do you have some photos? I want to see some orcs from country behind ocean ::beer

Autor:  Morchaint [ čtv 29. pro 2011 13:43:21 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

bienvenue dans le BOT, le maison de tous les creatures méchantes de notre pays.
J'espére que notre connaisances seront utile et je suis vraiment courieux de nouvelles d'autre coté d'océan. Si tu as des questions, ne hesite y a beaucoup des persones capable á repondre.

Autor:  grotof sanklan [ čtv 29. pro 2011 21:02:08 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

thanks for this great welcome ! be sure i'll verify all i can understand [google translator suck to translate tchek to french] you want to see me. go to my Facebook profile, il dont have many from last year ill add more this summer !

Autor:  Thóradin [ čtv 29. pro 2011 21:18:51 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

Coool :-D

Autor:  Yshara [ pát 30. pro 2011 16:52:22 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

Hi there! Coool costume ::ano

Autor:  Thóradin [ pát 30. pro 2011 20:39:47 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

pro případné tázající-všechno si koupil, nic nevyráběl sám, neb nemá možnost.

Autor:  Feri_01 [ pát 30. pro 2011 22:56:26 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Ork from America !

už som sa zľakol, že aké masky škreti bežne vyrábajú za mlákou

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